Key players explain
Why PureNano is innovative!
PureNano H2020 is a research-intensive innovation project that proposes an innovative, low cost, sustainable method for the purification of plating baths which will lead to a significant extension of their life that will have as a result the decrease of operation expenditures of plating shops, decrease of environmental risks from the transportation of spent baths and increase of process efficiency and products quality.
The PureNano consortium is composed of 12 European partners that have a deep knowledge of the sector. PureNano is well-balanced between Industrial partners and Academia including 7 industrial partners (SMEs), 4 RTDs, and 1 Association. Universities and research institutes (PoliMi, RISE, ISQ, NTUA) will provide the necessary laboratories, space, equipment, testing, and computing facilities. Industrial partners (Captive, Gaser, Tecnochimica, Cnano, Kampak, IDE) will access their processing/production facilities, contribute their expertise in product development, validation & characterization and allocate the necessary funds for the demo scale applications foreseen in PureNano. ASFIMET, as an active association in the plating sector and following regulations of CEN and ISO, will be the key to use standardization to enhance the impact of the project. Besides the technical personnel, the partners will deploy experienced personnel from their sales departments to assist in the marketing strategy for the new products and processes developed (AXIA).
PureNano has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 821431.